It's all about tracking your shipment for assurance. Ernest Goes Digital!

Information is power and when it comes to doing business, monitoring your shipments is one of our expertise.

Ernest Logistics Corporation has been providing updates to our customers diligently through our Customer Service Representatives and Sales Executives from e-mail and SMS in a scheduled manner.

What's new?

Since we are digital, we are now providing access to our clients by introducing My Ernest Web app. It's a 24/7 exclusive system that provides details of customer transactions making your shipments secured and transparent to our clients.


I'm not techie, is this complicated?


We have have tested the system and concluded that our system is so easy to use that you'll keep on booking with us.


What makes it better?


  • Accessible through any devices anytime and anywhere.
  • Easier to understand, we are using common terms that even newbies can easily understand.

Is it safe for my business and shipments?


Yes, we only provide access to authorized personnel with corresponding access. We also have tighter security features online thus making all information exclusive and secured.


How much is this?


It's absolutely FREE! We are making your transactions with us safer and faster. Now booking your logistics requirements is just like your favorite shopping or social media apps.


How to get it?


This is open exclusively to clients of Ernest Logistics Corporation and if you want to become part of our list, swiftly REGISTER in our website with complete details and once you hit SUBMIT, our team will immediately contact you for validation of information and other assistance.


There will be a tutorial as we walk you through our system features.


This is the new Normal and Ernest Logistics Corporation understands your needs. As a Filipino company, we are assisting more businesses to have an access to a more dependable and committed logistics in the Philippines. #CommittedToDeliver #TunayNaMaaasahan


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