Import: The Search for More Affordable and Reliable Customs Brokerage Services

The global concern on the pandemic caused by COVID19 is efficiently being managed by implementing sufficient quarantine protocols, vaccination programs and encouraging more business activities to regain economic momentum.

International trade is a key factor to restart production, particularly in the Philippines. This industry is being supported by the growth of digitalization or by e-commerce, especially from the small and medium businesses or MSMEs. In the Philippines, MSMEs make up around 99.5% of all enterprises, and employ around 63% of the local workforce.

Through technology, canvassing either raw materials or finished products abroad becomes more accessible and affordable. According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), most of the imported goods were electronic products with an import value of USD 2.71 billion or a share of 23.6 percent of the total imports in December 2021. The People’s Republic of China was the country’s biggest supplier of imported goods valued at USD 2.14 billion or 18.7 percent of the total imports in December 2021.

Due to this sheer magnitude of goods and huge volume of importations that cross the Philippine borders annually, one of the main reasons for hiring a customs broker is to free up the

importer's time in clearing the imported goods through Bureau of Customs custody which generates and ensures the revenue of the government from the imported articles, suppresses smuggling in forms of misdeclaration, undervaluation, and misclassification as well as seizes contrabands.

To avoid costly delays, fines and even seizure of goods, the customs broker must have a firm grasp of foreign and domestic shipping procedures, customs laws and restrictions for certain commodities. They untangle the maze associated with various government regulations and liaison with the BOC to expedite the flow of documentation and release of the cargo.

Ernest Logistics Corporation recognizes the challenges in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, thus it provides swifter import services by assisting more customers or importers with its customs brokerage services as it gears its China import. Ernest Logistics Corporation offers one of the most competitive packages in importing products from China and reliable nationwide delivery services in the Philippines.

To know more about the services,from China import, customs brokerage services and other logistics services in the Philippines, please register or click the CONTACT US button 



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